Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Lebih Dekat dengan Shaykh Umar Ibrahim Vadillo

oleh Zaim Saidi - Direktur Wakala Induk Nusantara :

Kehadiran kembali seorang Mursyid di Nusantara, yang datang dari Andalusia, melalui Afrika Selatan, telah membawa cahaya kembali ke wilayah ini.

Nama Shaykh Umar Ibrahim Vadillo mulai dikenal luas di dunia internasional pada awal 1990an. Ini dimulai ketika ia, sebagai pemuda berusia 28 tahun, mencetak kembali koin Dinar emas dan Dirham perak di Granada, Spanyol, pada 1992. Tindakan ini ia lakukan sebagai konsekuensi dari terbitnya Fatwa Haramnya Uang Kertas sebagai Alat Tukar yang ia terbitkan setahun sebelumnya, 1991. Fatwa itu sendiri ia terbitkan sesudah beberapa tahun mempelajari secara mendalam persoalan muamalat dan riba dalam syariat Islam.

Mengharamkan uang kertas, dan kemudian mencetak kembali koin emas dan koin perak? Bagi umumnya orang tindakan pemuda Umar ini, tentu saja, terlihat sebagai sebuah keasingan. Mengapa ia melakukannya? Paling tidak ada dua alasan mendasar.

Mengapa Uang Kertas Haram
Pertama, secara ekonomi politik sistem uang kertas adalah mekanisme perompakan yang dilakukan oleh segelintir orang atas semua orang lain yang menggunakan uang kertas tersebut. Namun demikian hampir tidak ada yang melihatnya karena perompakan ini dilakukan secara sistematis dan dilegalisir melalui undang-undang mata uang nasional atau Legal Tender Law. Makna dari sistem ini adalah pemberian hak monopoli kepada satu pihak, dalam hal ini Bank Sentral, untuk menerbitkan dan mengedarkan uang kertas, senilai dan sebanyak yang mereka suka. Seluruh warga negara kemudian diwajibkan untuk hanya menggunakan uang kertas bersangkutan sebagai alat tukar sehari-hari.

Akibat dari pencetakan uang kertas yang terus-menerus, dengan tanpa jaminan komoditas apa pun sebagaimana pada awal uang kertas itu diciptakan (uang kertas didukung oleh emas atau perak), adalah inflasi yang terus-menerus. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat adalah harga barang dan jasa yang terus-menerus naik. Tetapi, nilai tukar barang-barang sebenarnya tidaklah berubah, yang berubah adalah nilai tukar mata uang kertasnya yang terus-menerus merosot karena pencetakan dan perputarannya yang tak terbatas. Pencetakan dan peredaran uang kertas itu sendiri saat ini sepenuhnya berbasiskan kepada utang: uang kertas itu sendiri adalah 'uang kredit'. Inflasi, tidak lain, adalah pemajakan paksa yang dilakukan oleh perbankan kepada seluruh penduduk.

Bukan cuma itu. Sistem uang kertas, dengan motor penggeraknya sistem perbankan, karena tidak memiliki dukungan asset apa pun, di satu titik akan meledak. Hal ini secara matematis dapat diperhitungkan, hanya saat kehancurannya saja yang tidak dapat dipastikan. Tetapi, secara empiris, kita telah berkali-kali mengalaminya, yang belakangan disebut-sebut sebagai Krisis Moneter. Setiap kali Krisis Moneter terjadi, semakin besar dampaknya, sampai nanti tiba krisis lain, mungkin yang terakhir, yang meruntuhkan semuanya, hingga situasi tidak tertolong lagi.

Kedua, secara legal, dari sudut pandang Hukum Islam, sistem uang kertas tidak lain adalah sistem riba. Karena nilainya hanyalah sebesar nilai intrinsik kertasnya, yang tentu saja tak seberapa, dan penggunaannya yang dipaksakan, uang kertas melanggar beberapa rukun dan syarat dasar perdagangan. Pertama-tama Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, menyatakan bahwa dasar pertama perdagangan adalah suka rela, dan itu termasuk dalam pemilihan alat tukar. Dalam pertukaran suka rela ini barang yang dipertukarkan haruslah setara dengan setara. Artinya baik barang yang diserahkan maupun alat tukar yang digunakan harus memiliki nilai intrinsik. Syarat ketiga sahnya perdagangan adalah transaksi harus dilakukan secara kontan. Baik barang maupun alat tukarnya harus diserahterimakan pada saat yang bersamaan, tidak boleh salah satunya ditangguhkan.

Substansi uang kertas, sebagaimana sebelumnya telah dijelaskan secara ringkas, menjadikannya tidak dapat memenuhi ketiga syarat jual beli tersebut. Uang kertas, sebagai alat tukar, tidak bersifat suka rela, tidak memiliki kesetaraan nilai dengan barang yang dipertukarkan, dan tidak memberikan pembayaran tunai. Dengan kata lain, secara ringkas, uang kertas adalah riba. Dan di dalamnya terkandung sekaligus dua jenis riba, yaitu riba al fadl, yakni riba yang timbul akibat penambahan nilai yang tidak dibolehkan (dalam hal ini direfleksikan sebagai nilai nominal uang kertas) dan riba an nasi'ah, yakni riba yang timbul akibat penangguhan pembayaran yang dilarang (karena uang kertas adalah nota utang atas sejumlah harta tertentu, yang saat ini utang itu pun bahkan tidak lagi diakui oleh penerbitnya).

Sebelum Shaykh Umar menerbitkan fatwa haramnya uang kertas dan mencetak kembali dinar dan dirham sebagai konsekuensinya, sejak dua dekade sebelumnya, Shaykh Dr Abdalqadir as-Sufi, pembimbing Shaykh Umar, telah menyampaikan kepada dunia kritiknya atas sistem uang kertas yang tidak adil dan rapuh ini. Tapi kritik itu hanya sampai pada sedikit orang dan dari yang sedikit itu lebih jarang lagi yang memberi sambutan dengan baik. Di banyak kalangan dan tempat kritik ini bahkan sangat tidak populer. Sampai terjadilah Krisis Moneter yang melanda Asia pada 1997-1998 lalu. Satu di antara sedikit tokoh yang kemudian mendengarkan saran solusi atas persoalan mendasar sistem finansial modern ini adalah Perdana Menteri Malaysia saat itu, Dr Mahathir Mohammad.

Momentum demi Momentum
Sekitar sepuluh tahun kemudian, krisis moneter sejenis kembali terjadi, kali ini di jantungnya sendiri yaitu di AS dan Eropa. Dimulai pada akhir 2008, dengan persoalan gagal bayar pada kredit perumahan di AS, yang diikuti dengan kebangkrutan beberapa perusahaan finansial, seperti Lehman Brothers, dunia terus dibayangi bencana keuangan global. Sampai lewat pertengahan 2010 krisis keuangan di Eropa, dengan pusatnya di Yunani dan mulai menular ke Spanyol dan Portugal, membuka mata dunia akan kebenaran segala yang disampaikan oleh Shaykh Abdalqadir sejak dua tiga dekade lalu. Pengenalan kembali Dinar dan Dirham pun semakin luas diterima.

Momentum lain adalah kebijakan Negeri Kelantan, Malaysia, sebagai institusi pemerintahan pertama di dunia yang mengadopsi Dinar dan Dirham sebagai mata uang syariah. Negeri Kelantan secara resmi mendirikan institusi khusus untuk ini, yaitu Kelantan Golden Trade (KGT) Sdn. Bhd. YAB Dato Nik Abdul Aziz bib Nik Mat, Menteri Besar Kelantan, didampingi oleh Menteri Keuangan Kelantan, Datuk Husam Musa, meresmikan peluncuran Dinar Dirham Kelantan, 2 Ramadhan 1431 H lalu. Peresmian mata uang syariah ini ditandai dengan penerapan Dinar dan Dirham secara luas: untuk pembayaran zakat, transaksi jual beli, dan pembayaran gaji (mulai saat ini 25% gaji pegawai negeri Kelantan akan dibayarkan dalam Dinar emas). Pada tahap awal ini di Kota Bharu (ibu kota Kelantan), khususnya di Pasar Besar Siti Khadija, seribu pedagang telah menerima Dinar dan Dirham. Di belakang gerakan Negeri Kelantan itu pun, tidak lain adalah Shaykh Umar Vadillo, yang sejak 2009 menjabat sebagai CEO KGT.

Untuk memastikan bahwa ekonomi berbasis Dinar dan Dirham dapat berjalan secara universal, Shaykh Umar juga telah memikirkan sebuah mekanisme pengaturan. Untuk itu, sejak awal pencetakan prototipe Dinar dan Dirham, 1992, ia menginisiasi World Islamic Trading Organization (WITO) dan, belakangan, World Islamic Mint (WIM). Produk pertama yang dikeluarkan oleh WITO adalah standar teknis koin, yang didasarkan kepada standar yang dibuat oleh Khalifah Umar ibn Khattab, serta rancang muka koin-koin Dinar Dirham, yang saat ini dikenal sebagai Seri Haji, yaitu koin Dinar bergambar masjid Nabawi dan koin Dirham bergambar Masjidil Haram.

Di luar itu berbagai corak koin Dinar dan Dirham mulai muncul, seperti Seri Nusantara, sebagaimana yang diedarkan oleh WIN (Wakala Induk Nusantara), Indonesia, dengan Dinar bergambar Masjid Demak dan Dirham bergambar Masjid Agung Sang Cipta Rasa, Cirebon. Terakhir adalah Dinar dan Dirham Kelantan tersebut di atas, dengan gambar simbol Negeri Kelantan, yakni dua ekor kijang, dengan mahkota serta senjata tradisional Kelantan. Meski belum ada sebutan resminya Dinar dan Dirham Kelantan ini dapat digolongkan sebagai Seri Pemerintah.

Maka, standarisasi teknis koin saja menjadi tak mencukupi. Ada persoalan otorisasi pihak pencetak dan pengedar koin. Penerapan Dinar dan Dirham secara internasional juga menimbulkan masalah standarisasi nilai tukar. Ini semua menjadi agenda World Islamic Mint (WIM) yang saat ini dipimpin oleh Bapak Abu Bakr Rieger, dari Jerman. Sebagai lembaga pengatur, WIM dilengkapi dengan Shariah Counselor, yang berperan mengawasi soal-soal hukum, yang saat ini dijabat oleh seorang imam dari Masjid Granada, Spanyol, yakni Haji Abdalhasib Casteniera.

Ringkasnya berbagai hal di atas menggambarkan apa yang dipikirkan dan dikerjakan oleh Shaykh Umar Vadillo adalah sebuah kelengkapan pengetahuan dan amal, konsep dan praksis. Dia adalah sosok seorang mujahid yang bukan saja tidak mengenal lelah, tetapi memiliki visi akan kemenangan Islam. Sebab, keyakinannya sepenuhnya dilandasi oleh sikap penyerahan diri secara total hanya kepada Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, kepada kalimat dzikir la haula wala quwwata illa billah, sebagaimana setiap kali ia sitir baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. Ia tidak mengenal adagium: Dawud melawan Jalut. Adagiumnya adalah ketika Kebenaran Datang, Kebatilan Musnah. Selama lebih dari dua puluh tahun terakhir ini Shaykh Umar tidak pernah berhenti dan diam. Dia terus bergerak, dalam berbagai bentuk tindakan, menulis, mengajar, mengerjakan, sambil menularkan semua itu kepada setiap orang. Ia tidak pernah membeda-bedakan orang, ketika berbicara dengan seseorang di pinggir jalan atau seorang kepala negara: ia melakukannya dengan isi dan bobot pesan yang sama. Dan dengan visi yang juga sama: kemenangan Islam, kembalinya 'amal Ahlul Madinah.

Karya Tulis dan Buku
Selain Dinar dan Dirham yang kini mulai diterapkan di mana-mana Shaykh Umar menghadirkan sejumlah pengetahuan kepada kita melalui berbagai karya tulisnya, baik berupa buku, risalah, artikel, maupun naskah pidato. Dua buku yang ia tulis pada awal 1990an adalah The End of Economics (1991), kemudian The Return of Islamic Gold Dinar (1996), dua judul buku yang merefleksikan perjalanan perjuangannya. Pada tahun 2003 sebuah bukunya yang lain, setebal hampir 1000 halaman, The Esoteric Deviation in Islam, diterbitkan. Buku ini membedah penyakit yang diderita oleh sebagian kaum muslimin sendiri, yang dalam kurun lebih dari 150 tahun belakangan ini, mengambil jalan yang keliru, yakni mengasimilasikan Islam kedalam kapitalisme.

Dalam buku ini Shaykh Umar mengatakan asimilasi adalah 'upaya [kaum] kapitalis untuk membawa Islam ke dalam pandangan dunia (world view) mereka,' yang dengan jelas dapat dilihat khususnya pada proses 'islamisasi segala segi kehidupan'. Dua pintu pertamanya adalah ide tentang politik (negara) Islam dan ekonomi Islam. Kata 'Islam' dipakai sekadar menjadi 'siasat pemasaran' yang ditempelkan di belakang berbagai pranata kapitalistik tersebut: partai Islam, negara Islam, parlemen Islam, demokrasi Islam, bank Islam, pasar saham Islam, kartu kredit Islam, reksadana Islam, MLM (Multi Level Marketing) Islam, dan seterusnya. Akibat dari islamisasi kapitalisme ini adalah semakin tidak dikenalinya model kedidupan sosial ekonomi Islam sendiri, yakni muamalat.

Kini dua dekade sejak tindakan pertama Shaykh Umar, mencetak prototipe Dinar dan Dirham (1992) itu, umat Islam mulai melihat pohon yang telah bersemai, meski buahnya belum sepenuhnya bisa dipetik. Bibit-bibit kembalinya pilar-pilar muamalat, Dinar dan Dirham, pasar-pasar terbuka, pedagang, dan kontrak-kontrak Islam, mulai bersemi di berbagai tempat, termasuk di Indonesia. Kesadaran umat Islam untuk kembali kepada model yang lebih genuine, yakni muamalat, dan bukan kapitalisme Islam, dan menuju kepada kemenangan atas sistem riba yang menindas, dan bukan tunduk di bawah ketiaknya, mulai hadir di seluruh dunia Islam.

Dengan itu Shaykh Umar terus bergerak. Dari Granada ke Istambul. Dari Istambul ke Rabat. Dari Rabat ke Kuala Lumpur. Dari Kuala Lumpur terus ke Jakarta. Dari Jakarta ke Kelantan. Dari Kelantan ia pergi ke Aceh. Dari Aceh ia akan ke Kesultanan Sulu, Filipina Selatan. Dari Sulu, entah bumi mana lagi yang Allah bukakan pintu untuknya, yang pasti akan ia datangi dengan riang hati. Dengan itu Shaykh Umar juga terus sambil menulis, mengajar, mentransmisikan pengetahuan dan keteladanan 'amal kepada setiap muslim yang ia temui. Pada awal tahun 2006, risalah bahan kuliahnya di Dallas College, Cape Town, diterjemahkan dan diterbitkan dalam bahasa Indonesia, Heidegger for Muslim dan Sisi Gelap Renaisans; bersama penulis lain yaitu Shaykh Abdalhaqq Bewley (Piramedia, 2006).

Tentang Kefaqihannya
Menjelang akhir 2006 Shaykh Umar kembali mengeluarkan sebuah fatwa penting, Fatwa on Banking and the Use of Interest Received on Bank Deposits (Fatwa tentang Perbankan dan Penggunaan Bunga Deposito). Ini adalah sebuah dokumen fatwa setebal 66 halaman ia tulis dengan cukup komprehensif. Fatwa ini memberikan panduan yang jelas atas kebingungan umat Islam dalam kenyataan sehari-hari yang masih tidak lepas dari urusan dengan sistem riba, yakni sistem perbankan. Terakhir, sebagai bagian dari yang ia lakukan di Kelantan, pertengahan 2010, Shaykh Umar kembali menulis sebuah fatwa, yakni tentang zakat, berjudul Fatwa on the Payment of Zakat: Using Dinar and Dirham the Issue of Ayn and Dayn in Zakat.

Fatwa tentang zakat ini sangatlah penting, sebab pengetahuan umat Islam tentang rukun zakat secara benar praktis telah hilang, akibat proses politik yang berlangsung dalam 100 tahun terakhir ini. Hilangnya Dinar dan Dirham, bersamaan dengan runtuhnya daulah Islam terakhir di bawah Daulah Utsmani, sejak 1924, telah mengubah praktek pengamalan zakat menjadi sedekah biasa. Dua rukun zakat yang roboh saat ini adalah keharusan penarikan zakat oleh sebuah otoritas Islam dan pembayarannya yang hanya bisa dilakukan dengan ayn (komoditas nyata), dan bukan dengan dayn (nota utang, seperti uang kertas). Fatwa ini mendudukkan kembali dua pilar tersebut.

Fatwa tentang zakat ini, sebagaimana dua fatwa lain yang ia terbitkan, yakni Fatwa tentang Pelarangan Uang Kertas sebagai Alat Tukar (1991) dan Fatwa tentang Perbankan (2006), sebagaimana disebut di atas, sekaligus menunjukkan kefaqihan Shaykh Umar Vadillo. Dalam sambutan yang diberikan pada saat peluncuran Dinar Kelantan, 2 Ramadhan 1431 H lalu, Shaykh Abdalqadir menyebutkan bahwa Shaykh Umar Vadillo adalah 'faqih nomer satu dalam masalah finansial' yang dimiliki dunia Islam saat ini.

Sebagai seorang faqih Shaykh Umar telah mampu 'membacakan' kembali, dan dengan itu memberikan pemahaman, bagi umat Islam dunia, pengetahuan yang telah dilupakan dan terkubur selama seratus tahun terakhir atas satu bagian yang sangat penting dari kitab Al Muwatta-nya Imam Malik, semoga Allah merahmatinya, yakni muamalat. Dalam salah satu tulisannya yang meskipun cukup ringkas, yaitu Ketetapan Hukum Uang Kertas, kita dapat menilai kefaqihan Shaykh Umar ini.

Menjelang akhir 2011 penerbit Delokomotif, Jogyakarta, tengah menyiapkan kumulan tulisannya menjadi sebuah buku, berjudul Jihad Melawan Kapitalisme. Berbeda dari buku-buku yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, buku Jihad Melawan Kapitalisme ini tidak berasal dari suatu naskah yang memang disiapkan sebagai sebuah buku, tetapi berasal dari beberapa risalah, artikel, atau naskah pidato Shaykh Umar yang terpisah-pisah. Dua di antaranya adalah makalah yang ia sampaikan pada Konferensi Pemuda di Cape Town, 2005 (Rekonstruksi Muamalat Islam di Tengah Krisis Kapitalisme), dan Konferensi Internasional Fiqih, juga di Cape Town, 2008 (Prioritas Fiqih dan Muamalat). Selebihnya adalah tulisan yang dipresentasikan di berbagai kesempatan. Satu tulisan, yakni Jihad Melawan Kapitalisme, berasal dari wawancara Shaykh Umar dengan majalah Gontor, pada saat kunjungannya ke Jakarta, 2007 lalu.

Meski semula terpisah-pisah, himpunan tulisan ini secara keseluruhan ketika dibukukan memperlihatkan alur dan kerangka pemikiran yang solid dan sistematis. Semuanya menggambarkan rekonstruksi muamalat sebagai jalan keluar dari kungkungan kapitalisme, atau riba, yang menindas saat ini. Tetapi, lebih dari itu, buku ini mengalirkan semangat dan enerji perjuangan yang sangat menggugah.

Cahaya Kembali Bersinar
Pada saat Moussem 2011 di Kuala Lumpur, Haji Umar Ibrahim Vadillo, telah dikukuhkan sebagai seorang shaykh. Ini adalah hadiah besar bagi umat Islam di Nusantara, yang sejak keruntuhan Daulah Utsmani, yang diikuti dengan lenyapnya satu per satu daulah Islam di Nusantara, kehilangan panduan. Kehadiran kembali seorang Mursyid di Nusantara, yang datang dari Andalusia, melalui Afrika Selatan, telah membawa cahaya itu kembali ke wilayah ini. Seperti halnya tiga abad lalu cahaya itu datang dari Nusantara ke ujung selatan benua Afrika, juga melalui para Mursyid.

'Tugas utama Muslim di zaman ini adalah memerangi Riba. Caranya adalah dengan menegakkan kembali muamalat, perdagangan yang halal, penggunaan alat tukar Dinar emas dan Dirham perak, mendirikan pasar-pasar, mengamalkan kembali kontrak-kontrak bisnis menuruti sunnah, yaitu qirad dan shirkat,' demikian, antara lain, wejangan Shaykh Umar Ibrahim Vadillo kepada murid-muridnya.

Riba adalah kezaliman terbesar zaman ini. Ia juga menegaskan bahwa semua upaya ini hanyalah demi kecintaan kita kepada Allah Ta'ala dan Rasulullah salallahualaihi wasalam. Kalau kalian mengikuti saya, muamalat akan kembali tegak, ujarnya lagi.

Peristiwa pengukuhan Shaykh Umar Vadillo, orang yang pertama kali mencetak kembali Dinar emas dan Dirham perak di kurun mutakhir ini, mengikuti jejak Khalifah Umar ibn Khattab yang mengukuhkan standarnya, di sebuah masjid bernama Masjid Umar ibn Khattab, di Kuala Lumpur, adalah hadiah besar bagi umat Islam Nusantara. Semoga Allah Ta'ala meninggikan ilmu dan maqam Shaykh Umar Vadillo. Semoga Allah Ta'ala memberikan kita semua kesempatan untuk terlibat, dan menikmati, tegaknya muamalat di bumi Nusantara.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Muslimah Sister Jung Chuang From Taiwan

Note: May Allah bless her with the sweetness of iman, perfection of ihsan and reward of islam in this world and next....

As a norm, invited several participants from various member organizations to attend Islamic held at (IIUM). Among the participants who took part in our last was Sis Chuang, Jung, better known as Lo’ Lo’, a from Republic of China. She is a rare convert from to join the course.

During a one-month course, held in October, Sis Lo’ Lo’ , 24, a graduate of Arabic language from National Chengchi University, , came to Malaysia with full commitment to learn more about Islamic teachings especially Qur’an reading, daily prayer, fasting and Haj. She also interested in animal slaughtering as prescribed by . She was an outstanding participant with self-confidence, cheerful and of course studious. She is interested to learn more on Al Qur’an and hadith.

It is interesting to note here that while she was a third year student at the university, Sis Lo’ Lo’ took the time to attend a one-year Arabic language course in Syria, when asked why, she said that was the way to pick up Arabic language faster and more effectively when you learned from the native speakers. After a year in Syria, she returned to Taiwan to continue her final year and of course she did well with excellent result in examination. Her achievement stunned her classmates.

When asked what made her to become a Muslimah, Sis Chuang Jung said that while in Syria mingling around with Muslim friends she was always curious to see how observed their religious rites especially the daily prayer at mosque and the way they believe in One God. She was impressed by the way pray to their God. To her, such practices are very simple and felt that something in her mind guided her towards the right path and to believe in One God. Then she started reading about Islam and discussed the matters with friends. To her, Muslim friends and Islamic literatures were the source of inspiration for her to believe in Oneness of God. With the Grace of Allah (swt) and her powerful mind, she made a decision to embrace Islam and declared herself a Muslimah. She was confused and excited at the beginning of her life as a Muslimah, but soon she can cope with the new situation and found peace at last.

Back home, she explained the matters to her parents who are non-Muslims with respect and love. Her parents accepted her explanations and respected her right in choosing her own religious belief and the way of life. They live together as a happy family in Taipei, Taiwan.

Being a Muslmah, she continues to study and conduct a research on Islam particularly on the Unity of God (Tawhid), Hadith, Fiqh, Qur’an reading and history of Islam. She promised to attend RISEAP course again in the future, if invited, Insha Allah.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

200 Years To Print Paper Money of US 9.0 Trillion

This review is from:
The Death of Money:
How the Electronic Economy Has Destablized the World's Markets and Created Financial Chaos (Paperback) -Joel Kurtzman 1994
This book was written 11 years ago, so some of its information is dated, but its basic premise has only become stronger: that the nature of money has changed from a tangible medium of exchange (i.e., cash) into a complex and chaotic system of computerized balance sheets and numerical flows.

The Federal Reserve estimates today that the entire worldwide supply of US money is currently about 10 trillion dollars ($10,000,000,000,000). This includes cash, savings accounts, checking accounts, money market funds, and other kinds of bank deposits.

But only 700 billion (or 7%) of these dollars are paper cash dollars circulating outside of bank vaults, of the sort you can carry in your wallet. If everybody wanted to cash out their bank accounts at the same time, there simply wouldn't be enough paper dollars to go around. Banks would have to close temporarily while the Federal Reserve printed more cash.

I don't know how long it would take to print 9 trillion more paper dollars ... let's see, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing typically prints $40 billion per year, so at current production levels it would take over 200 years to print all the cash required if everybody demanded all their cash at the same time.

The kind of money you can hold in your hand is pretty much obsolete.

....viva Dinar and Dirham as anti-dote.....to the paper manipulated money,not even cash.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

We Are Cheated Since 2008 By Derivatives

A 70 Trillion Dollar Counterfeiting Ring (Zeus Y., September 23, 2008)

According to several sources the market for so-called “credit default swaps” last year alone was nearly equal to the total global GDP, around 70 trillion dollars by some estimates. Yet these derivatives have no discernible “origin” or value. People aren’t sure whether they are capital vehicles, insurance vehicles, investment vehicles, all three, or none of the above. However, what is becoming very clear to me is that they, along with many of the other “creative” financial vehicles are nothing more than a bold mass counterfeiting scheme based on a very simple premise and set of conditions that are not at all “complex.” The problem is not that their values are “unknowable,” but that we know what their value is—worthless. Our problem is that we’re not willing to contemplate socially or personally the ramifications of what we know. This is why big lies work-- the bald truth is harder for most to bear.

What if you used cash to pay your groceries, and you found out the money was phony? You provided of labor, goods, etc. and you got worthless paper in return. You offered something that had real value in return for something you thought had value but did not. Either you swallow the rip-off and lose real value or someone covers for you—the government, insurance etc. What happens if this worthless scrip you receive takes the form of digital funny money, concocted out of thin air, without any real assets or capital to back it up? What happens if the global market for this worthless scrip exceeds the world’s GDP? Oops, there is no one who could possibly cover that. No bailout can buy up tens of trillions of dollars of counterfeit currency or phantom assets.

If I promise to ensure you against loss, and I have no actual resources to back it up other than a contract that says I will, I have produced a counterfeit document. My promise has to be backed by an ability to pay, and I don’t have it. What I have is phony assets, “marked to model,” acquired by selling my guarantee off to someone else, who in turn does the same. I take your money and leverage it into risky investments including more exotic vehicles that have no value, but that I think/pretend have value. This is not gambling. This is simple theft. In gambling, money comes and goes, but is essentially conserved somewhere. In this system of massive counterfeiting, I do the equivalent of flooding the monetary system with fraudulent promissory notes, passed off as assets, while skimming off huge fees with each transaction.

Yes, debt has now magically become an asset because it can ostensibly generate interest payment income and fees. So we lower the monthly minimum on credit cards and jack up the interest rate to keep up the charade of huge returns. We allow negative amortization. We promote “balloon payments.” There is no real value there BY DESIGN. There can’t be. No one can possibly pay off a mortgage that is ten times their income with a principal that actually increases over time. But if you can pass off the personal or institutional liability (there is no risk here; risk assumes some possibility of solvency) you may be able to “escape” accountability and profit from this scam. As a system, however, this will inevitably fail, and as we are seeing with both ecological and financial environments that we are all part of a system where even externalized liabilities will return to bite us.

What happens when a country floods its own monetary system with currency or makes money far too cheap through low interest rates. At first rampant inflation in things like stocks or house prices, as demand for goods is driven up. Anyone can buy anything with his or her own credit leverage and a lack of fear of consequences. Then devaluation and deflation emerge as fundamentals catch up, followed by a liquidity crisis due to exposed (fraudulent) leverages— leverages which have an essentially infinite multiplication of pseudo value in exotic financial vehicles. What happens when you flood the global market with toxic debt that far exceeds the ability of any country, and even consortiums of companies or countries to address the issue?

You have a global meltdown, or you try to stave off the inevitable reckoning with 700 billion dollar band-aids that have within their conduct of use no provisions for transparency, because that transparency would expose the far deeper and more widespread fraud under the symptoms. (This is all, of course, to help with an orderly “unwinding” of fraudulent assets.) In the end what you will see, no matter the route, is worthless garbage.

Now our Master Izi posed this question : " Modern man lost their value once they abandoned, denied, rejected, cover up or changed God's true measures of Divine message and laws... now everything is measured by free market values...will eventually debase and destroy humanity in an unjust usurious system . Or call it nihilism, humanist atheism, capitalism, democracy...long gone.... happy are the strangers who found the Way still alive and open.."

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dirham (Silver Coin) Popular Again In USA

My lovely wife enjoys shopping, but not as much when I’m shopping with her.

In the past her angst was limited to me prodding her NOT to buy made in China, but to instead make every purchase a hard-target search to buy American - especially online.

(see: http://www.americansworking.com/index.html).

Then her eyes rolled when I refused to have anything I purchased put into a plastic shopping bag. I've told 1000 retail clerks, "plastic comes from oil, that causes wars, that kill innocent people, and I won’t be a part of that global crime spree."

However, now my wife must endure my new retail teachable moment. I now ask businesses at which we shop if they want to be paid in worthless paper dollars or real silver money, while holding up a new, 1 troy ounce silver round.

The reaction of most people who have never eyeballed (or even held) a pure ounce of precious metals in their hand is enlightening. People’s eyes light up like a Christmas tree when offered payment in silver.

Many small, owner-run local, small businesses are THRILLED to be asked to take silver as payment for services. I have had my Hummer serviced, bought hunting equipment, food direct from an organic farmer, and even a solar power generator paid with precious metals.

Just as important, I am conditioning these same merchants to look at me as a preferred, hard-money customer especially when the dollar falls.

"Where did you get that silver, and how can I get some?" is also a very common question. Apmex.com and eBay is my standard reply.

Why is offering people you do business with the option to pay in silver so important?

It's actually quite simple. If you are in a movie theater, and 3 people walk out, you will barely notice it. But if 10 people dash out, the rest of the crowd will start to think they know something and head for the exits.

People who own silver know the reasons why it keeps going up, but they are not usually very chatty about telling others. For the bull market in precious metals to power forward to the next level, it's in the enlightened self interest of every bullion investor to start offering to pay others in metals.

One man named John Chapman, aka: Johnny Appleseed, made eating apples mainstream in America in under 20 years.

Imagine what 1 million silver bullion owners can do in 12 months trying to mainstream silver as payment for goods and services.

Try tipping a waiter with a ½ ounce silver round or silver war nickels and explain why. Give silver bullion Christmas, birthday, graduation and thank you gifts. My clients LOVE getting silver rounds as my thank you for their referral of new gold stock mutual fund clients.

The allure of precious metals is thousands of years old; it's nearly in our DNA. If you have never seen the way people's eyes light up when holding a real silver round, try it. You will be shocked by what you witness.

With the vast majority of Americans having never held a 1 ounce, of any precious matal in their hand, there is much work to do. There are hundreds of millions of teachable opportunities in the lives of bullion owners that NEED to be seized.

Consider this your marching orders from Silver General Woody O’Brien: get off your silver ASSets and stop JUST accumulating silver, and start giving and spending it as money. Start letting others feel silver as indestructible tender in their hands.

Become a silver enabler. Help people reconnect with that precious metals DNA in all of us that craves real money in the palm of our hand.

Max Keiser’s prediction of $500 silver can come to pass, and crush bankster criminals like JP Morgan like a bug on a windshield, if just one thing happens:

Current owners of bullion treat silver as the proverbial candle of Matthew in verse 5:15:

"Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but upon a candlestick, that it may shine to all that are in the house".

At this moment in history, Silver can do more than just save your wealth and others you teach about it. Silver (and gold) can save the world from more decades of bankster war and debt slavery.

The protesters in Europe and Alex Jones are on point: the world faces a choice between the banksters or us. Choose!

I vote we keep the guillotines in storage and bankrupt the banksters with silver rounds before jailing them (the real terrorists) at Gitmo!

Michael "Woody" O'Brien C

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Silver Is Money, Dirham Is More Powerful

“The major monetary metal in history is silver, not gold.” – Noble Laureate Milton Friedman in an interview with James U. Blanchard III for the 20th Anniversary New Orleans Investment Conference, November 7, 1993.

“To 250 million persons in 51 countries the word for money is the same as the word for silver and silver literally means money.” Silver Profits in the 80’s, by Jerome F. Smith and Barbara Kelly Smith, copyright © 1982, ERC Publishing Company, page 43.

“Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves.” Money and Wealth in the New Millennium, by Norm Franz, copyright © 2001, Whitestonepress, page 154.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Allah's Mercy To Me To Be A Muslim

Part of an interview with Abdalhaqq Bewley

How did you get in touch with Islam?

There is no, one, simple answer to this question. The true and fundamental response to it, which I now know from the famous Qur'anic ayat in Surat al-A'raf (7:172), is that I came into contact with the reality of Islam before I even arrived in this world when Allah asked all the gathered spirits of the human race whether they acknowledged Him as their Lord and we all said that we did. So in one way my discovery of Islam was just Allah's mercy to me in allowing me to consciously acknowledge in this world what had happened in the world of spirits before I was born.

There is, however, also the way that this realisation unfolds within the course of a person's life and I think that it is true for almost everyone who becomes Muslim that their entry into Allah's deen is rarely the result of a flash of inspiration which comes suddenly out of the blue. It is more usually the end of a process of searching for the truth which takes place over what may be a period of years. The light of Allah's guidance to us generally filters through our layers of acquired darkness until finally the darkness is dispelled and we are able to see the truth for what it is.

In my case I think I was always dimly aware of the presence of Allah and this awareness waxed and waned, being sometimes undeniable and sometimes almost disappearing altogether. At first I tried to fit this god-consciousness into the Christian framework within which I was brought up but I did not find any real spiritual nourishment there. In my late teens I "walked on the wild side" a little, indulging considerably in wine, women and song! But even during this time Allah sent me timely reminders of His presence, sometimes in the most unlikely situations! Then I discovered that my father, who died when I was two years old, had been engaged on a spiritual search at the time of his death and I decided to take up the search myself. This ended up with my meeting my future shaykh, who himself had just become Muslim, with a mutual friend in a London street. He invited me to tea, and then to live in his house, and finally to accompany him on a trip to Morocco.

It was there in Fes that I first met Islam as such. I remember well the moment that I finally saw that Islam was the only valid spiritual path. We were standing one evening looking down onto the great madina of Fes. It was maghrib time and the adhan was rising on the voices of hundreds of muezzins from the countless minarets of the city. At that moment a shepherd passed us driving a small flock of sheep and goats. The man we were with exchanged a few words with him and when the shepherd left I asked him what they had been talking about. He said, "I asked him where he had come from and where he was going and he replied that he belonged to Allah and was returning to Him." I said to myself, "If this simple Muslim shepherd has this kind of knowledge, Islam is certainly the way for me." The following day I said the shahada and entered Islam.

What is the part of Islam, in your opinion, which attracts some Europeans to convert to Islam?

Every human being, including every European, has a heart. The human heart is the seat of belief and the organ capable of acquiring knowledge of Allah. Because of this every human being is potentially able to become a believer and when Allah wishes to guide someone, wherever in the world they come from, He fills their heart with belief in Him and this leads them to become Muslim. There are as many ways of this happening as there are people who become Muslim but it is certainly true that there are certain more spiritual aspects of Islam which directly affect the heart, particularly all the various forms of dhikrullah, and in the case of Europeans, as well as others, these aspects are frequently a significant element in their conversion to Islam.

In the case of Europeans, however, the head often takes precedence over the heart and so intellectual considerations also play a dominant role in the conversion of people from this continent to Islam. All intelligent Europeans are aware that there is a great deal wrong with the society in which they live and so another important factor in the decision to become Muslim is the fact that Islam offers cogent solutions to many of the ills which afflict the post-modern, secular, consumer world they inhabit.

Let us take a few examples. A vast proportion of the crime both violent and otherwise which has reached such epidemic proportions in our time is closely related to the consumption of alcohol and drugs. I know this to be true because I used to spend some time every week visiting prisons and in nine out of ten cases of the inmates I saw, alcohol or drugs proved to have been a large part of the reason they found themselves incarcerated. If you add to this the vast percentage of alcohol induced accidents, the growing incidence of alcoholism with its attendant social problems and the unprecedented number of people dependant on drugs of all kinds, the Qu'ranic injunction forbidding intoxicants needs no further elucidation.

The effect of usury, particularly in its most prevalent form of lending money at interest is felt by every single inhabitant of the world. In Britain alone the staggering sum of more than twenty billion pounds – that is twenty thousand million pounds – is owed by private individuals to credit companies, banks, stores, building societies and money lenders for consumer goods bought on credit and I am sure that this must increasingly be the case throughout the Balkans as well. The human cost of this is increasing distress and discord in a great number of families and for many absolute despair at not being able to make ends meet, leading to a growing number of suicides.

On the international scene, the situation is the same or even worse. In some countries the gross national product is not sufficient to pay even the interest on the money that has been borrowed, which means that every one in those countries is working for foreign banks. The situation is apalling and this is just the tip of the iceberg. The underlying effects of usury have corroded every aspect of human life in subtle ways that are not immediately obvious but which can be traced directly back to the introduction and practice of usury. Suffice it to say that usury is a poison which pollutes all it touches. It was forbidden to the Jews and Christians but they got round their law. Its prohibition in the Qur'an leaves no room for manoeuvre.

It cannot be denied that the spread of the scourge of AIDS which now threatens so many millions of lives has been almost exclusively due to sexual promiscuity on a scale never before witnessed by the human race and more particularly by homosexual practices which were until very recently recognised as unnatural and illegal by every society in the world. The way that this abhorrent deviance has turned from being anathema to being almost universally accepted and approved of is one of the wonders of the modern world. Apart from this there are the terrible crimes of rape and incest whose regular and increasing occurence has made them seen almost commonplace.

Again, in this vital area of life Islam holds the key. Far from being suppressed, sexuality is explicitly encouraged within Islam and ample space is given for its expression. However its limits have been made clear and the penalties for overstepping them extremely severe. At the same time opportunities for sex outside the prescribed limits are kept at a minimum. Because extended families and the giving of hospitality are part and parcel of Islamic life, Muslim family life is full and open and the dangerous emotional currents which frequently lead to crime in the nuclear family situation are harmlessly dissipated in the general melee.

Much has been said about the barbarism of criminal law in Islam, but there are two points that are rarely pointed out. One is that it can only ever be applied in a situation where Islam is dominant and those who are subject to it accept it. The second is that it is overwhelmingly effective. In Saudi Arabia where Islamic law is probably applied more than anywhere else – even if extremely unevenly – I have seen someone leave a large pile of money unattended for fifteen minutes while they were off seeing to something else, without any fear of it being taken, and it is quite routine for shopkeepers to leave shops full of valuable goods completely unattended while they go off to pray. The relief of living in this atmosphere after the smash and grab climate we are used to has to be experienced to be understood. It generates a completely different attitude to life and property. And the fact is you do not see hundreds of people walking about with no hands.

The last and perhaps most important aspect of Islam I want to mention is the incalculable effect of the physical act of prayer which punctuates the day of every Muslim. This act puts the worship of God back where it belongs at the centre of human life and ensures the health of society as a whole. It gives people a correct perspective on existence so that they do not become totally engrossed in the life of this world. It is a continual reminder of the insubstantial nature of this life, that death is inevitable and that what follows it depends on the way we live and goes on forever. The acceptance of accountability implicit in this attitude makes people prone to live within Allah's limits rather than to wantonly trangress them. It creates a situation where people see that immediate self-gratification is not necessarily in their best interests and that generosity and patience and good character really do have benefits in them.

These are a few of the aspects which attract Europeans to Islam although I would like to emphasise again that guidance is in Allah's hands alone, that there is no general rule, and that everyone's story of their individual journey to Islam is entirely unique.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ramadhan and The Alarm Bells of Mordenism

I would put it like this: that the Muslim is dynamic, is active in relation to existence - and the kafir in fact is passive. The Muslim is constructive in relation to existence and the kafir is destructive. From where did this come? Because at the heart of the Muslim's condition is that he is locked into a system, as I said a very complicated system, which is the glorification of Allah swt, and looked at the intricacy of it: there are five fard prayers; there is a number of nawafil prayers; there are prayers for the dua; there are prayers for the night; there are prayers for the funeral; there are prayers for the rain - each has its procedure, each has its rhythm - there are times where you may not pray; there are times when you must pray.

It all is a very sophisticated system and the Muslim takes it with him in the most ordinary way. But it means he is active! Because, and this is all again by the modernists who have really gone a long way to destroying Islam in our time, for example: the time of prayer is not by a clock - the time of prayer is not by a clock! - the time of prayer is by the sky!

Rasul s.a.w has explained it himself! Allah has, he said, has put the sun and the moon in the sky to be a measure for you of the time of salat. You're plugged into a cosmic time system which is existential, which you see with your eye and you verify. Fajr is because of the line that delineates, the thread that delineates that first hint of the sun is on the way and you have that, from that delineation, until the point where the sun is about to appear - that is the time of fajr and subh. And, it's second that time: and then the minute the sun rises, then you can not - you can nót make up fajr. It's gone! (They must be done) In its time: prayers are in appointed times. There is no such thing as making up a prayer. So that, what is the fajr and what is the magrib, is magrib is also on a time frame. But that time frame is by verification. It is by verification, not by a clock.

Ramadan is not by "27 minutes passed" and "23 minutes passed" and so on. This is not Islam. This is another invention of mankind. It is by verification of the magrib, and then the adhan and the breaking of the fast. The sighting of the moon, all of these things, are existential: they are by verification, and in the case of that, it's by verification with amal. It is not a democratic thing of everyone going onto the beach and looking for the moon. The correct shariat of that is: two witnesses have to identify the moon within the domain that is to go under the rule of Ramadan.

They have to then go before a qadi and the qadi verifies the character, like character references: they've got to be sound; they've not to be crazy; they've not to be people who be emotionally disturbed and make up a story. Once they have that ijaza, then that goes to the amir. And the amir takes the confirmation from the witnesses and the authorizing qadi, and then he gives the authority, gives the order, for Ramadan. Now, that only, to my knowledge, is performed now by the king of Morocco."

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 23 — Like two young girls relating tales of their first love, Siti Sara Phang Abdullah and Nur Balqis Elaine when recounting their conversion into Islam. This month of Ramadan, the two recent converts are also excited about fasting.

Raised in a Christian home, Sara, 19, was at first fascinated by Muslim culture. She was enamoured by traditions like head scarfs, and how her Muslim friends all seemed to have a prayer constantly on their lips – like right before eating or going to the bathroom.

“But it’s not that my friends converted me, I had many Muslim friends but they didn’t talk about Islam. I fell in love with the beauty of Islam myself,” she added.

Elaine, 20, who is half-Chinese and half-Kenyah from Sarawak, talked about how she first came to know about, and then embrace Islam in secondary school.

“I had many Malay friends in school, and my heart was captured by Islam. It was a completely new and a great feeling,” she said in fluent Malay. Her mother is a Roman Catholic and so she was only exposed to Islam at school.

Smiling, she added that she felt a lot calmer now after embracing Islam. Dressed modestly, the two young women blended in with the crowd at Perkim, an Islamic welfare organisation established to help Muslim converts adjust to new lives as Muslims, which was holding a buka puasa for new converts.

“When I wake up during sahur, I am happy to fast,” Sara said but added that she was a little tired and thirsty in the afternoon. “If I can stand it, I'll go on but if I have gastric pain then I'll buka (puasa).

Elaine, on the other hand, had a “trial fasting” at one of the schools for religious studies in Kedah. She told The Malaysian Insider that she fasted every Monday and Thursday during her four-month there.

“My stomach hurt a bit because of the air inside,” she admitted. Elaine added that fasting makes her very happy; she feels at peace and is reminded of humility and patience. Even though their stories were told with much joy, it was not a smooth journey into Islam for them.

Sara and Elaine both live at Perkim’s shelter for girls, after their families rejected their conversion. Sara said that her family disagreed with her conversion and questioned her sudden decision. “Suddenly I fell in love with the Islamic way,” she said, adding that she couldn’t really explain it.

“My father noticed I had more baju kurungs, Islamic books and other religious things, so he asked,” she explained. Sara, who grew up as a Protestant, had converted in May but only had the courage to inform her family a month later. She said that her mother and sister were accepting but her father had given her the ultimatum to choose between staying at home or to be a Muslim. She chose the latter and is now staying at the shelter with Elaine.

Elaine said her Buddhist father had accepted her new religion while her Roman Catholic mother was less than enthused. She said her mother who resides in Puchong found out about her conversion from others and they had not been in contact since October last year.

“Since I'm a Muslim now, it's a different lifestyle from my mother's... it is easier to live outside anyway,” she added.She admitted that it was “rather peculiar” how she got interested in Islam. “Every time I hear the azan, it moves my heart,” she said with a sparkle in her eye.

She explained that Islam is not a foreign religion to her family. Her sister had converted through marriage, so has her brother, for different reasons. “Islam is more calming. I'm more at peace now,” Elaine said.The girls explained that they do not have to pay for the accommodation at the shelter but merely kept the house clean. The shelter is actually a terrace house in Gombak with two rooms, and two girls to a room.

One of the housemates is a graduate student at USM and is currently doing her practical at Perkim. She is also in charge of the girls while the other housemate is from the Philippines and works at Perkim.The girls are allowed to stay at the shelter for six months at most, but if they cannot find an alternative, they would not be forced to move out.

There is also an 11pm curfew and they have to inform the girl in charge of their whereabouts.The girls survive on a small allowance of RM50 every two weeks. They would take the bus to Perkim every day and the journey takes about 20 minutes.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Native Inuit Eskimo Muslim From Canada

As a young Inuit woman, Maatalii Okalik-Syed is exceptional in many ways.

From a very early age, the 21-year-old native of Pangnirtung, Nunavut committed herself to helping others. She’s worked with several grassroots Aboriginal and Inuit organizations, all the way up to the Government of Nunavut. And now she’s set to graduate from Carleton University with a Human Rights and Political Science degree, minoring in Aboriginal Studies.

But an impressive resume is not the only thing that sets Maatalii apart. Maatalii is a Muslim, one of a small but growing number of Indigenous women in Canada converting to a religion most associate with the Middle East.

It’s not known exactly how many have converted, but some Indigenous Muslims report seeing more and more people like them praying at Ottawa-Gatineau mosques. People like Linda Soliman. A Cree woman originally from Fort Albany in northern Ontario, she credits Islam with strengthening her parenting skills and improving the relationship with her parents.

Note: May Allah bless her with stronger iman and islam in her life journey !

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Haji Abdul Halim Chua, Haji Abdul Rahim Pui

Macma pusat pada tahun 2010 telah menerima kunjungan delegasi Macma Kelantan diketuai oleh Pengerusi Hj.Abdul Halim Chua untuk membantu projek penyelidikan USM peringkat Ph.D mengenai peranakan Cina Kelantan dan dakwah islamiah.