Saturday, June 23, 2012

Una Ummah, una divisa

Exposición Mundial de Comercio Islámico en Kota Bharu, Malasia.

22/06/2012 - Autor: Abdul Haqq Salaberria
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Humaira Shahid, Parlamentaria de Punjab, Pakistán
La Exposición Mundial del Comercio Islámico celebrada el fin de semana del 15 al 18 de junio en Kota Bharu, capital del Sultanato malayo de Kelantan tuvo su broche dorado con la Convención Halal basada en el Dinar y Dirham celebrada el lunes 18 de junio, donde además de analizar la situación y proyección futura del mercado de productos halal en Malasia y en el resto del mundo, se abordó el tema de las finanzas halal, la economía islámica y el uso del Dinar de oro y Dirham de plata como moneda propia de los musulmanes sin distinción de nacionalidades y sin estar sometida a los dictados de los mercados financieros o del sistema bancario. De especial interés fueron las intervenciones de distintos ponentes que hicieron énfasis en la necesidad de combatir la usura como una práctica aborrecida por los musulmanes y estrictamente prohibida en el Islam.
Acabamos de llegar de la Exposición Mundial de Comercio Islámico organizada por el Gobierno de Kelantan en Kota Bharu. Ha sido la primera feria de muchas otras que vendrán que intentan promover el uso de la moneda de la Sharia. Representantes de los gobiernos de Uzbekistán, Pakistán, Irán, Kazakistán, etc. adquirieron algunas monedas para poderlas llevar de vuelta a sus respectivos países y mostrar la futura divisa de la Ummah, las que durante miles de años fueron las únicas monedas válidas en los sucesivos califatos y que sólo en época muy reciente han sido arrebatadas de las manos de los musulmanes para robarles y manipularles por medio del papel-deuda de las divisas nacionales.
Lo más importante fue el compromiso de los delegados de la comunidad musulmana china de llevar el asunto del Dinar y Dirham a su país. En China, oficialmente, hay unos 25 millones de musulmanes cuya posición económica y estratégica es importante. Los principales asentamientos se encuentran en las regiones de Xinjiang, Gansu y Ningxia, además de Yunnan –sudoeste- y Henan-centro de China- También hay musulmanes tibetanos y mogoles. Los bordes de Asia Central, Tibet y Mongolia se conocen con el nombre de “El Cinturón del Corán”, abarcando una docena de etnias de mayoría musulmana.
También fue una importantísima contribución al éxito de la Convención la aportación de Humaira Shahid, Parlamentaria de Punjab que ha legislado contra las prácticas usureras en el ámbito agrario en Pakistán, quien también se comprometió a lanzar el Dinar y el Dirham en Punjab como parte de una estrategia global y ambiciosa contra la usura, que calificó como un cáncer que destruye a la sociedad y al medio natural. “Por favor, no legitimemos la usura” dijo insistiendo en que hay una cierta complicidad política con los usureros incluso en un país como Pakistán que se proclama como una república islámica. “La posición respecto a la usura no admite grises: es o blanco o negro”.
Libertad y unidad
También fue reseñable la intervención de Shayj Umar Vadillo, representante de World Islámic Mint y Asesor Técnico de Kelantan Golden Trade, la compañía estatal encargada de acuñar las monedas en el Sultanato de Kelantan, quien afirmo que el sistema capitalista está destinado al fracaso porque “Allah y su Mensajero han declarado la guerra a la usura” y porque “El comercio es halal pero la usura es haram”. Así que lo que va a suceder, con toda certeza, es que hagamos o no algo al respecto todo el sistema colapsará. Es algo que viene anunciándose desde hace tiempo y no sólo por parte de los musulmanes. Mientras tanto, la alternativa, el Dinar y el Dirham, van expandiéndose en todo el planeta. No sólo en Malasia, Indonesia y Filipinas, donde unos cuantos sultanes se han comprometido a acuñar las monedas y a cobrar el Zakat con ellas. Lugares tan estratégicos como China, Pakistán, Bangladesh o Kazakistán están interesados en acuñar Dinar y Dirham. El gobierno de Zimbabwe ha declarado su intención de acuñar monedas de oro y de plata para que sean su moneda de curso legal, lugar que ahora ocupa el dólar americano, el euro, y el rand sudafricano ante el hundimiento de su propia divisa, y su banco central va a seguir para ello el modelo de Kelantan. El Estado de Utha en los EE. UU., desafiando la constitución de ese país, ha decidido hacer lo mismo, declarando que el dólar es un fraude, encontrándose otros 5 estados pendientes de lo que allí suceda para sumarse a la iniciativa.
Shayj Umar Vadillo sentenciaba: ”La ironía de nuestro tiempo es que hay más gente en los Estado Unidos que desconfía del dólar de la que hay en Malasia. Pero nosotros tenemos una ventaja que ellos no tienen: tenemos el modelo de Medina. Y eso significa la restauración de la libertad. No nos motiva el oro y la plata, usamos el oro y la plata; lo que nos motiva es la libertad. Lo que nos motiva es que Allah subhana ta Allah ha garantizado el comercio con libertad, al ordenar en el Corán:
“”comerciad con mutuo consentimiento”” , y ese consentimiento incluye la moneda. La moneda no puede ser impuesta. El Banco Central de Malasia no tiene la autoridad para imponer a la gente que use el Ringit. Tampoco ninguna autoridad musulmana puede obligar al uso del Dinar de oro...Así que el Dinar y el Dirham lo que nos devuelves es un Derecho Humano fundamental: la libertad de poder elegir el medio de cambio”.
Acabó su intervención apelando a la unidad de los pueblos musulmanes que pueden comerciar entre ellos con una moneda común que les libere de sus debilitadas monedas nacionales, todas ellas dependientes del dólar para su valor de mercado.
Campaña difamatoria
A pesar del éxito de la Exposición Mundial de Comercio Islámico y de la Convención Halal, la prensa oficial malaya, controlada por el régimen en el poder, parecía más interesada en sembrar dudas respecto a la transparencia y legalidad de Kelantan Golden Trade (KGT) la empresa pública dedicada a la acuñación de Dinar y Dirham. Kelantan está gobernado por la oposición política al régimen actual y KGT es la empresa pública con más éxito en ese sultanato. Pero a pesar del intento fallido de desprestigiar la brillante e impecable gestión de KGT, la campaña de difamaciones ha conseguido crear un inesperado y renovado interés por el proyecto Dinar & Dirham.Allah usa a los enemigos del Islam para favorecer al Islam.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Smoking In Medina : Sign of Times

In Medina, I found more signs of the troubled times we live in. I tried to find a non-smoking hotel because my children were with me, and because my reactive airway doesn’t tolerate smoke well. Sad to say, I was unsuccessful. Despite the fact that all of the major hotel chains outlaw smoking in their European and American locations, they revert to allowing smoking – due to popular demand, no doubt – in the two most sacred spots where smoking is not only haram1 but manifold times more so.

And it’s common knowledge that secondary smoke clearly causes harm to others. When I went to a hotel’s manager to protest that my rights were being violated, he looked at me as if I was mad and flatly stated the obvious reason for their policy: “The majority of guests here prefer smoking!” So what is clear is that in the City of our Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, a smoker’s right to harm himself and others trumps a non-smoker’s right to be free from harm and to breathe the blessed and healing Medinan air.

Apparently, they also prefer to waste food. The wastage I witnessed was beyond belief. While in Medina, my wife and I took leftover food out to the streets and found poor people who were overjoyed to eat it and thanked us profusely for having thought of them. I spoke with one of the waiters in our hotel about people placing far more food on their plates from the buffet table than they could possibly eat, and he responded, “If you saw what we see, you would weep.”

We clearly suffer from those very tribulations the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, identified, and we have to realize that the source of the tribulations is not the big bad West, nor is it the evil rulers in Muslim countries, or the unjust judges.

We need only look within our selves. We are consumed by our indulgences and our excesses. These problems are all only symptoms, and as long as we treat the surface symptoms, the disease lies beneath and only gets worse. The antidote is to follow the Prophet’s sunnah.

In another hadith, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was reported to have said,

“God is never angered with a people except that they suffer from inflation, their markets become depressed, corruption becomes the norm, and unjust governance becomes more severe. When that happens, the wealthy among them forget the rights of the poor, governance loses its virtue, and the poor stop praying.” 

 If we look at the current economic crisis, the prevailing view is that there are clearly discernible causes for it that have been studied, documented, analyzed, and articulated. And there are legal and legislative and systemic solutions being offered. But these are merely symptomatic analyses, and as long as the metaphysical roots are ignored, the tribulations will only recur. When God’s limits are transgressed, certain responses are incurred. God is not susceptible to emotions, so when He is “angered” (sakhita), this should not be understood anthropomorphically.

The solution then is to work to attain God’s pleasure (rida). One of the prayers of our Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, every day was, “O God, I seek refuge in You from your anger and the fire, and I ask You for Your pleasure and Your paradise.” 

The pleasure of God is only discerned through following, to the best of our ability, the way of His beloved Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. Our task is to learn and live by it. It begins with sincere intention, is followed by disciplined study, and is fulfilled through purposeful actions based upon sound knowledge.

I have no contempt in my heart for anyone. While in Medina, though troubled by much of what I observed in the Prophet’s city, my heart was always filled with a love for his community and with a desire to see them, and myself, on a path to purification. If the Prophet’s sunnah is not practiced in his own city, where the beloved rests awaiting the day of judgment, tell me, where then will it be practiced?

reposted from : Hamzah Yusuf Blog

Attack on True Scholars of Islam

I have been troubled by the attacks made on several notable scholars, especially the slanderous material written about my own teacher, Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah. He never pays any attention to them, but I have lived with him and witnessed his piety, decency, virtuous character, and genuine love for the Prophet’s Ummah, and I fear for those people who so lightly attack him, or who attack others, like Shaykh Sa’id Ramadan al-Buti, simply because they disagree with them.

We ought to know that such criticism of learned people is not a good sign. As recorded in al-Hakim’s Mustadrak, the Prophet of God, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said,

 “When the Muslims begin to loathe scholars and are preoccupied with commerce and its development, obsessing over accumulation of wealth, God will then direct at them four tribulations: loss of productivity, oppressive rulers, corrupt justice systems, and enemies who find them easy prey.”

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Delusion of Fiat Money -Hugo Salinas

But the ultimate delusion prevailing in the world for the last forty years is fiat money. This delusion is so powerful that only a tiny minority among the close to 7 billion human beings on Earth is aware that it is a delusion, that all the money being used in the world as money, is in fact not money, but a simulation of money. Fiat money is now rapidly destroying the world, but in spite of all the signs pointing to fiat money as the cause, the foremost brains of the world refuse to acknowledge the fact. Their theories, which they were taught in prestigious schools and universities, take precedence over the fact of collapsing economies.

As James Grant, publisher of The Interest Rate Observer points out, we are on a “Ph D Standard” – and the Ph Ds are taking the world down with their theories. I suspect that if these Ph Ds were injected with a “truth serum”, they would confess that they don’t actually believe their theories, but that for personal reasons, they prefer not to question them publicly.

To conclude, I present “Prologue for Our Times” which I have written for a Spanish translation of Andrew Dickson White’s masterpiece, “Fiat Money Inflation in France”.
* * * * *
Whoever wishes to understand what is taking place in the world today would do well to read this small but highly important book, which we have translated into Spanish: “Fiat Money Inflation in France”, by Andrew Dickson White, a former President of Cornell University, at one time in the diplomatic service of the United States, a student of economic and social affairs and author of numerous books. This book was first published in 1896, and reprinted in 1933.

This book places before us a microcosm of our present world.
What happened in Revolutionary France in the years 1790 to 1797 is precisely what is taking place in the whole world in 2011. The world is living in a process of monetary degeneration which began, explicitly, with the outbreak of World War I in 1914, though its origin lay in a series of previous financial malpractices dating back years before World War I; the disastrous conclusion of that process is approaching.
The fiat money inflation in France, whose birth and death took place in the short span of seven years, originated in a typically “revolutionary” idea held by the French lawmakers of the period: that human intelligence can dispense with the permanent and immutable laws that govern human action and can substitute them with schemes devised by the intellect, in order to achieve prosperity in the short term without the bothersome need to exercise the “bourgeois” virtues of savings, honest work, prudence and patience.

The lawmakers, impatient to resolve the problem of economic malaise which the Revolution itself had caused, decided to take a short-cut to stimulate the economy. Faced with popular unrest which cried out that “There is no money!” they proposed to remedy the supposed lack of money (a mere symptom) by creating money out of nothing.

Deaf to the warnings of men with financial experience, they confirmed to one another the supposed validity of their fallacious reasoning; convincing themselves of the viability of their monetary scheme, the lawmakers carried forward a project based on fiat money – money irredeemable in gold or silver.

In spite of the negative results which this policy soon produced – a steadily falling purchasing power of this fiat money, reflected in the rising prices of all goods - they insisted on pressing forward on this mistaken road and attributed the bad results to everything but their policy of inflation with fictitious money. That invariable law of finance with regard to fiat money, the law of the acceleration in the issue of fiat money and its concomitant accelerated depreciation, took possession of the French legislature.
Seven years later, France was totally ruined. Manufacturing had closed down. Unemployment was pervasive and consequently the stagnating salaries for labor brought enormous hardship for the poor, amid rising prices of food, clothing and fuel. Unemployment was only relieved by the military drafts which sent millions of Frenchmen to their deaths in the foreign wars. Morals suffered a precipitous decline. All business activity became a game of chance. Speculation enriched unscrupulous men and at the same time swept the poorer classes of the population into misery. Famine forced the government to dole out bread to the population.

What is perhaps most noteworthy in this fateful French experiment is that not one of those responsible for the disaster ever acknowledged having been mistaken. What took place in France, under the régime of fiat money, is precisely what is happening in our world today. The same phenomena observed in France in the 18th century can be seen all over the world, today.
Those responsible for the huge world crisis of the present time insist on continuing down the path that led to this disaster. Not one of those responsible is willing to recognize that they have all been mistaken. They insist, as did the French revolutionaries, on applying greater doses of fiat money: if enough money is created, they say, the problems of the crisis will be resolved.

The destruction of France took only seven years. The same policy that destroyed France now operates around the world. Therefore, the moral and economic destruction has taken longer, since the whole world is the theatre of this tragedy, and not only one country.

The fatal outcome of this experiment with fiat money will arrive, sooner or later; it will have worldwide effects and it will take a century, at least, for the world to regain economic health.
And when this tragic conclusion shall have arrived, the readers of this little book may be quite sure that not one of those responsible for the catastrophe will ever admit that he had been mistaken.

Friday, June 8, 2012

13.75 Juta Dinar Emas dan 58.64 Juta Dirham Perak : Pengeluaran Grasberg Mine Indonesia 2006

The Grasberg Mine is the largest gold mine and the third largest copper mine in the world. It is located in the province of Papua in Indonesia near Puncak Jaya, the highest mountain in Papua, and it has 19,500 employees. It is majority owned through a subsidiary by Freeport-McMoRan, own 90.64% of PT Freeport Indonesia, the principal operating subsidiary in Indonesia, including 9.36% owned through its wholly owned subsidiary, PT Indocopper Investama.

The Government of Indonesia owns the remaining 9.36% of PT Freeport Indonesia. FCX operates under an agreement with the Government of Indonesia, which allows Freeport to conduct exploration, mining and production activities in a 24,700-acre area (Block A). It also conducts exploration activities in an approximate 500,000-acre area (Block B). All of Freeport's proven and probable mineral reserves and current mining operations are located in Block A.[1]

The 2006 production was 610,800 tonnes of copper; 58,474,392 grams of gold; and 174,458,971 grams of silver.[2

NOTA:  Sayang sekali kerajaan Indonesia hanya milki saham 9.36% lombong emas tersebut dan 90.6% syarikat asing dari USA dan Australia.