"Exploitation is inevitable; without it no state,
no society, indeed, no mosquito can exist.
It has endured and tolerated for centuries,
often barely noticed. It can become anonymous;
one is no longer exploited by princes, but by ideas;
slaves and masters exchange faces....
The important thing is to assign evil to the past,
to the unenlightened times, and in the present, to the enemy."
Truer words were never spoken. If only the rest of the book were as clear.
Ultimately, what is Baroh's problem?
He says:"madness is only part of my problem . . . .
A loss of individuality may be an additional factor."
Madness arises from a split between his dream world and reality,
while his role in the modern Titanic (nuclear) society is the cause
of his disconnectedness. To achieve individualization he must leave
and become a Waldgänger, one who walks away, a Zarathustra.
"Aladdin's Problem" presents us with a poetic statement of the modern problem and proposes a method to achieve an individual solution. But it is not didactic. It a well-constructed novel that stands firmly on all four legs of fiction, while at the same time promulgating Jünger's philosophy and obsessions.
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