Not holding on to anything of this world
To be like Earth, it receives everything
including dump and gives as return life and riches
To believe Allah is Ar-Razzaq,
as one believes fire burns, job or no job
To feel no pain holding on to burning coals
and crawling over ice for Allah
To not betray the Ur-form of man and realise
the gestalt of an eagle is destroyed
when it is forbidden to hunt
To care less whether rich or poor,
in practice to not care at all
To leave the management of all affairs to Allah;
to depend on Him, rely on Him and on Him alone
To live with no financial anxiety
In the collaborative couple who support each other
in their project for justice (beyond family)
To live a dead man taking death for a life companion
To finish planting a seed, that was commenced,
even if the Last Day comes
A journey that never ends
(by Hasbullah Shafi'iy from Tumasik Trade Network, Singapore)
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