Macma Exco member Haji Shahrin Low generously hosted this CNY lunch at his restaurant on the top of Bukit Antarabangsa, Ulu Klang hill with about 80 Macma members and family as listed below:
Dato' Hj Mustapha Ma and nieces Shukreen Ma, Nasreen Ma , Fareea Ma etc.
Hj Ridhuan Tee and two kids
Hj Dr Fuad Yeoh
Dr.Halimah Ali Kiew, Selangor Exco ADUN Port Klang
HjMohd Chan
Adam Lim and Hj Mansor Yap from Malacca
Hj Halim Cheah from Kelantan
Hj Daniel Hakim Boey and Hj Ann Wang Seng just recent return from hajj
Marlina Wong
Shafie Patt
Hj Ghalib Tham and wife
Noraini Lee
Hj Sharin Low and wife Sofiah Chong
William Cheng and Taman Desa Resident Association committee members
Rep.from Muhsinin Mosque, Taman Desa
Issa Ma from China
Amin Lum
Maswani Chung and husband
...and others whom I missed their names..